Tuesday, 26 February 2013

One Way To Save Water Is To Build Containment Berms

There are lots of areas on this planet where water is very limited. Individuals can resort to using numerous methods to find a supply to help them survive. A number of governments have dug pathways for aqueducts to get water to their citizens. Environmentalists have been working at creating methods to catch rain water. This can save the potable water for people to drink. One method they are trying is constructing containment berms to gain water that can be used for other purposes like watering plants and trees.

A containment berm is built using natural materials. Many people should be able to make their own as long as they have enough space in their yards. A person will build walls, a base made of permeable materials, and a drainage system designed to capture the rain flow. This water can be used to help hydrate trees, flowers, and other types of vegetation.

To begin the process of determining where to place the berm, one will want to understand how the rain flows on their lawn. The flow will almost always run towards the lower end of the yard. This would also be the section that stays the wettest the longest after a down pour.

The next thing should be to figure how permeable the bottom is on the low portion of the lawn. One may wish to know precisely how fast liquid drains from the soil at that spot. This can have an impact on what form of vegetation one will want to plant. Some plant life needs a great deal of moisture and some will only grow in drier soil.

One can control the drainage rates by adding topsoil. Another option would be to remove dirt and replace it with gravel. One can also install a drainage system that captures the excess water using storage tanks. This runoff can then be used at a later time to moisten grass and plants.

The next thing along the way is to build the walls around the drainage bed. It's possible to use standard top soil in the yard or one can obtain some from a nearby landscape design firm. One will want these walls to be compacted decrease the chance they will deteriorate during storms and will hold up over a long time. Plants should be planned and planted on the walls. These plants should be able to produce roots that will dig down into the wall and help support the structures.

Some people also prefer to use mulch to help control evaporation. The layers applied should be at least a few inches thick to work well. This step can be carried out soon after the plantings are placed in the ground.

People in arid regions often need to be very conscious about how they use limited resources. One way to preserve drinking water is by finding alternative methods to water lawns and plants. Building containment berms can help conserve their resources to help make them last.

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